- For People Who Like Buses




CTA Service Information

Status Retired
Quantity 1
Numbers 7800
Delivery 2005

Bus Specifications

Manufacture NABI
Model 45C-LFW
Propulsion Diesel
Length 45'
Width 102"
Seat Model Freedman CitiPro
# of Seats 45
Dest. Signs LED
Amenities Air Conditioning
ADA Accessible


Service History

In January 2005, the CTA received a prototype 45C-LFW CompoBus from North American Bus Industries (NABI). In 2003, the CTA had placed an order for 1 CompoBus with an option for the purchase of 24 additional models.

The CompoBus was made of a single piece glass fiber reinforced composite body, rather than traditional steel. This made the buses lighter and more resistant to corrosion.

The CTA’s CompoBus sported a modified paint scheme along with a new type of seating design.

The paint scheme used red as a dominant color with a strip of white and blue near the base.

The seats used on the bus were manufactured by Freedman Seating Company. The CTA had previously installed the same seat model on a 6400-series Nova LFS bus in late 2003 as an experiment.

After a test period of a few weeks, the CompoBus was returned to the manufacture. In May 2005, NABI ceased all CompoBus production citing operating losses and lack of new orders. This left NABI unable to fulfill the CTA’s order.